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Flower Varieties
Some Flower varieties and their descriptions
Agapanthus is known as the Flower of Love, the name comes from the Greek word agape, meaning love & anthos, meaning flower. It has spectacular funnel-shaped florets in a round cluster that is 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6″) across. This is a true focal flower.
Symbolic of wealth, prosperity and fortune, the flower of friendship. Did you know that the Alstroemeria (known as Peruvian Lily and Lily of the Incas) are members of the Amaryllis family? Alstroemeria stems grow from rhizomes (underground stems) that are
Aster – The official flower for the month of September. Asters symbolize patience, elegance and daintiness and is indicative of ‘a love of variety’.
Bells of Ireland
Bells of Ireland, or Shell Flower, is a half-hardy annual that produces an unusual pale green to emerald green funnel-shaped “bells” along green stems in the summer. Despite the common name, this plant from the mint family (Lamiaceae) is not from Ireland,
Bird of Paradise
BIRD OF PARADISE (Strelitzia reginae) Symbolizes joyfulness and magnificence and can be used to indicate exciting and wonderful anticipation. This exotic, tropical flower is well known for its characteristic bird-like appearance.
Bloomies & Santinis
BLOOMIES & SANTINIS – With small, delicate blooms and multi-flowered stems, Bloomies and Santinis provide excellent filler for both bouquets and arrangements. The Bloomie flowers are generally a little larger, while most Santinis have an anemone shape.
Button Pompon
Button Pompon Holland Dutch type novelty pompon is composed of only disk petals and is also called Dots The size of the flower head is about half of the size of a Cushion about 2 5 cm in diameter
Calla Lilies
CALLA LILIES – A thick, waxy, funnel-shaped spathe (the petal) wraps around a shorter fleshy spike (spadix) in this elegant “less is more” flower. The actual “flowers” are the “bumps” on the spadix. The stems are smooth and leafless.
There is hardly a group of flowers which possess such rare beauty as does the large genus of Campanulas The genus includes nearly 300 species from dainty miniatures to stalwart uprights Campanula is a Latin word that means Little Bell derived from t
Carnations / Mini Carnations
January’s Flower Symbolizes pride and beauty. The earliest Carnations bore flesh-coloured flowers which gave rise to the name. Carnations are flowers appreciated for their ruffled appearance and clove-like scent
Novembers Flower – CHRYSANTHEMUM A species of flower which includes daisy pompons, cushion pompons, spider pompons, mums and more. Learn about the different varieties.
Cushion Pompon
POMPONS – Chrysanthemums – Many different flower forms and colors are available, and breeders are continuously offering new varieties, including novelties. Pompons are spray chrysanthemums that have been made by pinching the center bud of the Chrysanthem.
Daisy Pompon
DAISY POMPON (Bellis perennis) – A daisy is composed of disk petals (the centre petals) and ray petals (the petals surrounding the centre). They come in shades of white, yellow, and lavender, and disks are usually yellow (sometimes greenish) in color.
Marches Flower: The Daffodil. Symbolizes regard and chivalry and is indicative of rebirth, new beginnings and eternal life.
Delphinium flowers are 2.5 cm across, arranged on a long spike measuring 20-40cm in length. There are also branching types with several flower spikes on one plant. Stems could be as long as 100 cm. Flowers are available in a variety of different colors.
Disbud one single large flower per stem produced by removing all side buds when plant was young There are two types of Disbuds Spiders and Cremons A Spider is distinguished by its tubular petals Any disbud without this characteristic is a Cremon
The Freesia is a genus of about 20 species of South African flowering plants of the Iris Family “Iridaceae”. The name derives in honor of Friederich Heinrich Theodor Freese, a German Physician and a student of South African plants. Unlike most other flo
Fuji A variety of the spider mum except that it s not a spray flower Chrysanthemum sp is the genus scientific name of all pompons mums and disbuds
Gladiolus – The Official Flower of August is a genus of flowering plants in the iris family (Iridaceae). Common names include “glads” and “sword lilies”, which refers to its leaves which are long, thin and pointed.
Godetia, also known as Satin Flower or Silk Flower, is a funnel or trumpet shaped flower consisting of four petals that are arranged on the terminal spike. There are single and double forms in shades of pale pink, orange, red and violet/pink.
The Gerbera daisy Legend says that the daisy originated from a nymph who transformed herself into a charming but unassuming wildflower to escape unwanted attention. Since then, this April birth flower has had the flower meaning of implicitly and modesty.
Greens – used to enhance floral bouquets and arrangements. Popular choices are Leatherleaf, Tree Fern and Boxwood.
Remarkably, the Hydrangea can change its color on its own from blue to pink and pink to blue naturally induced by the environment or by the grower. The colour can be altered based upon the Ph level of the soil.
Originally found in Western Asia the popularity of Hypericum has increased dramatically over the past five years and is now grown in many locations across the globe Hypericum has also become better known for its medicinal properties it is harvested an
Commonly called Gypsophilia or Baby’s Breath, this species of Gypsophilia originated in the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. Many tiny flowers are produced on branched stems giving a lacy, snowflake appearance. Baby’s Breath comes in pink and white.
From ancient times the stately Iris stood as a symbol of power and majesty This flower was dedicated to Juno Interestingly it is thought that it was the origin of the scepter The Egyptians placed it on the brow of the Sphinx and on the scepter of
Larkspur is the official flower of July and is a poisonous hardy annual Delphinium Hybrid. Flowers are 1″ across, on a long spike measuring 8 – 24″ in length.
Liatris is noted for attracting wildlife; Butterflies are particularly attracted to the nectar-rick blossoms and birds will also visit as they enjoy the fall-ripening seeds. The Liatris which is also known as Gay-feather or Blazing Star, is an upright pl
Limonium is an ancient Greek name, derived from the word “meadow.” Additional names used in the trade for various species include misty, Latifolia, sea foam and Caspia. A few years ago, the Limonium was formerly known with the names of Statice, Sea-Lavend
Single-flowered Lisianthus have showy, cup-shaped tulip like flowers, and double-flowered varieties are often mistaken, especially by consumers, for garden roses. Some triple-flowered varieties also are available, but doubles are the top sellers. Hues spa
LILIES (lil-ees) – As a cut flower, Lilies are simply wonderful. There are more than 110 species in the Lily Family. Lilies are large flowers, you will find them with six petals, often fragrant, with a range of colors like white, yellow, orange & more!
Marigold Calendula is the official flower for October The marigold flower means winning grace in the language of flowers
MUM – a flower with very soft and long petals; no button in the centre of flower head. The flower is very soft and Cushiony to touch.
Commonly produced as a disbud; sometimes referred to as football mum. Chrysanthemum sp. is the genus (scientific name)
Lily of the Valley
May’s Flower: Lily of the Valley. Also known as Our Lady’s Tears. According to legend; the tears that Mary shed at the cross turned into Lily of the Valley Flowers.
Novelty Pompon
Novelty Pompons are any Chrysanthemum besides white, yellow, pink, and bronze cushions. This includes all novelty colors (eg. variegated colors) and all novelty shapes.
Chrysanthemum sp. is the genus (scientific name) of all pompons, mums, and disbuds.
Orchids – With an estimated 25,000 different types existing naturally and more being discovered each year, orchids are one of the largest flowering plant families.
Ornithogalum (or-ni-THOG-a-lum) is a bulb flower native to Europe, Africa and western Asia. Although Star of Bethlehem is the common name of this genus, various species have different common names that are specific to them.
Peonies can be seen at many weddings and party events, even though their vase life as a cut flower tends to be a rather short 2 – 7 days. Avoid buying peonies where the flowers are open as you may experience a shortened vase life.
Plumusus is compact, has lace-like, flat, light green leaves & is native to South Africa. It is mostly used in garlands and rose arrangements. Asparagus Plumosa is actually related to the Asparagus spears that we eat.
Plumosa Fern is an easy to grow.
POMPONS- Chrysanthemums- Many different flower forms and colors are available, and breeders are continuously offering new varieties, including novelties. Pompons are spray chrysanthemums that have been made by pinching the center bud of the chrysanthemum.
Next to the Christmas tree, poinsettias are one of the most popular plants over the Christmas season, recognizable by virtually everyone and a tradition for many. Did you know that December 12th is National Poinsettia Day!
Queen Anne’s Lace
QUEEN ANNE’S LACE Ammi majus- Wild Carrot, Wildflower Seed, Bishop’s Lace or Queen Anne’s Lace is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceous, Probably originally a native of the sea-coasts of Southern Europe.
Ranunculus is native to the eastern region of the Mediterranean. The name Ranunculus comes from rana, which is Latin for frog, and refers to the wet boggy places where these plants are found in the wild. Ranunculus is considered a cool crop. Once temper
ROSE CENTRAL Junes Flower The Rose Click here for info on Rose History Varieties of Roses Symbolic Rose Meanings Cut Rose Care a Rose Gallery so much more
SNAPDRAGONS Antirrhinum majus – Snapdragon blossoms are approximately 3-4 cm long and tubular in shape with rounded upper and lower lips. Interestingly, snapdragons are called “rabbit’s lips” in Asia, and “lion’s lips” in Holland.
Spider Pompon
The Spider Pompon is a unique flower within the Chrysanthemum family. Each stem has a single head with long tubular spider like petals, and a bulb-like center. They are great to work with any wedding bouquet, table centerpiece or flower arrangement.
STATICE – Limonium sinuatum, syn. Statice sinuata – Also known as Sea Lavender, Statice displays multiple branches of tiny funnel-shaped flowers. Statice’s versatility and hardiness make it an ideal flower for arranging!
STOCK (Matthida) With all the natural charm of an English country garden, the bountiful blooms of stock have an enticing spicy-sweet fragrance. Double or single flower spikes are surrounded by slender silver-green foliage.
SUN FLOWERS (Helianthus annuus) Signify pure thoughts, adoration and dedication or dedicated love. Sunflowers are native to the mid-west and western part of the USA. The name derives from the Greek words Helios, meaning sun and anthos, meaning flower. Ove
TULIPS (too-lips) Tulipa – This goblet-shaped bloom of six petals is Holland’s most popular flower. There are literally thousands of cultivars with various shapes and colors, including multi-color and bi-color varieties.
Sweet Pea
April’s Flower: The Sweet Pea, incredibly fragrant, delicate and beautiful! Symbolizes departure after having had a good time and can also indicate delicate pleasure and bliss. An annual plant, mostly known as a climber but is available in low spreaders
February’s FlowerViolets are a flexible flower! Widely cultivated for thousands of years they are used for eating and medicine; as well as a beautiful house plant for decoration! Their scientific name is Viola spp from the family Violaceae.
Zinnia is genus of 20 species of annual and perennial plants from the Asteraceae family. Originally from Mexico, Zinnias were found in area from the American Southwest to South America. They are notable for their single long stemmed flowers in a variety o