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Larkspur are poisonous hardy annual Delphinium Hybrids. Larkspurs were, in the past, classified as a species in the genus Delphinium, but today they constitute a genus of their own, Consolida (con-SAW-li-da).
Larkspur florets, which are often doubles, are about 1.5cm wide; are cup-shaped, with a nectar spur at the back (giving rise to the common name “larkspur”); and occur on short stems in spike-shaped clusters. As cut flowers, stems range from about 60-90cm long and are frequently branched. Foliage is delicate, feathery and fern like.
Larkspurs’ natural hues include white, light pink, dark pink, lilac, lavender and purple.
These flowers are available year-round from a combination of domestic and foreign growers; however, supplies are greatest from May through September.
Care & Handling:
- Remove any leaves that will be immersed in water.Larkspur
- Cut the bottom 1/2 inch off each stem at an angle using a sharp knife. (Do not use scissors as they can crush flower stems and prevent proper hydration, thus shortening the life of the flower.)
- Make sure to use a clean vase.Mix one liter of lukewarm water with the package of Grower Direct Fresh Cut Flower Food (provided with your flowers)
- Be sure to measure carefully when adding food into the water as the proper quantities both feed the flower and inhibit bacteria growth.
- Do not place flowers near heat (ie. Refrigerator or television), extreme cold, drafts, smoke fumes or in direct sunlight.
- Water quality makes a big difference. Do not use softened water as it may reduce the life of the flowers. Use regular drinking water and if the water becomes cloudy, change it, add additional flower food and re-cut the flowers.
Design Suggestions:
- These delicate blossom-encircled flower spikes add linear beauty to garden-like and wildflower inspired designs.
- Larkspurs can be air dried by hanging them upside down in a well-ventilated area at 21-28C for two to four weeks.
- To soften dried larkspurs and reduce breakage, cool them for 24 hours before designing with them.
Larkspurs can be toxic to humans and animals.
Contact can cause skin irritation, and ingestion can cause inflammation of the mouth, lips and tongue followed by numbness as well as stomach disorders.