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Daisy Pompon
DAISY POMPON (Bellis perennis)
A daisy is composed of disk petals (the centre petals) and ray petals (the petals surrounding the centre). The Daisies come in shades of white, yellow, and lavender, and disks are usually yellow (sometimes greenish) in color.
It is thought that the name “daisy” is a corruption of “day’s eye”, because the whole head closes at night and opens in the morning. The Latin name for daisy comes from the word bellus, which literally means beautiful.
Daisy is also a common girl’s name and is a nickname for girls named Margaret.
Some commonly used terms for flowers in the Chrysanthemum family are defined as follows:
- POMPON – spray type of chrysanthemum; each stem has several flowers.
- CUSHION POMPON – flower is of medium length petals without button in the centre.
- DAISY POMPON – flower with button in the centre.
- NOVELTY POMPON – any chrysanthemum besides white, yellow, pink, and bronze cushions, any novelty colours. All novelty shapes.
- SPIDER POMPON: flower with very long outer petals without button in the centre.
- BUTTON POMPON (dots): Holland/Dutch type novelty poms.
- DISBUD one single large flower per stem produced by removing all side buds when plant was young.
- FUJI – synonym of spider, except it is not a spray flower.
- MUM – flower with very soft and long petals; no button in the centre of flower head. Flower is very soft and cushiony on touch. Commonly produced as a disbud; sometimes referred to as football mum.