The Orange Sorbet Bouquet


Yellow, white and orange flowers look splendid designed in a clear glass container. Orange Roses sit among a bouquet of daisies and mums. This bouquet is a lovely look that will make anyone smile.

Standard - As Shown
Deluxe - Includes more blooms +$37
Premium - Even more beautiful +$81
Add a Plush Teddy Bear (+$15.00)
Add assorted Chocolates (+$20)
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Dimensions:   13″h x 13″w

Description: Yellow, white and orange flowers look splendid designed in a clear glass container. Orange Roses sit among a bouquet of daisies and mums. This bouquet is a lovely look that will make anyone smile.


Flowers in this Bouquet:

  • White Daisy Pompons
  • Yellow Button Pompons
  • Orange Roses
  • White Carnations
  • Pittosporum


All items featured on this Web site represent the types of products Grower Direct offers and may vary depending upon availability in certain regions.
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Please Note: The above images are approximate representations of different product sizes and may not be to scale. Any product where an upgrade is purchased will be increased by the dollar value of the upgrade. This may vary by store or region.